
Conducting Appraisal Meetings

When handled with skill and using a proven feedback process, the manager and employee reap the benefits that are intended from performance appraisals—they discuss past performance, ways to improve, goals for the future and career paths that are realistic and timely.

The performance appraisal and the meeting that generally accompanies it are among the most feared and anticipated events for both employees and managers. For many employees, this is their opportunity to receive much-sought-after feedback about how they are performing on the job. For managers and supervisors, it is an opportunity to discuss not only past performance, but future goals and direction. When handled with skill and using a proven feedback process, the manager and employee reap the benefits that are intended from performance appraisals—they discuss past performance, ways to improve, goals for the future and career paths that are realistic and timely. Regardless of the frequency of the performance review, the form used by your company or the input received from employees, this program will ensure that managers can effectively conduct fair, legal and productive appraisal meetings—in a way that motivates employees!

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Consider this program if you know:

  • The only time employees receive feedback is during their performance appraisal.
  • Employees complain about surprises during appraisals.
  • Reviews and appraisal meetings are one-way and data-filled.
  • Performance review meetings are “de-motivating” rather than motivating to employees and managers.

Program Outcomes:

  • Learn the true purpose and value of the appraisal regardless of how your company approaches it.
  • Develop an appraisal meeting plan including anticipating and preparing for employee reactions—both good and bad.
  • Conduct an appraisal meeting that involves and motivates the employee.
  • Reinforce performance that is desired and correct performance that is ineffective.
  • Deliver realistic, fair and legal feedback and gain buy in to change from the employee.
  • Hold difficult conversation without damaging relationships.

Available Options:

  • Tie to company appraisal with minimum customization required
  • Leadership coaching


  • Half-day program
  • One-day program when combined with Documenting Performance
  • Two days when performance planning and agreement setting is included